


Yale - Project on Financial Stability

Research Associate


  • 1970 Commercial Paper Liquidity Crisis (Penn Central) - lots of archival research including microfilm at the library, communication with history department at the BoG and FRBNY.

  • UK Special Liquidity Scheme - updated a previous version of this case for the Summer 2019 YPFS conference.

  • 1987 Stock Market Crash - take a news article and FOIA published email exchange between the BoG and the PBOC and turn it into a case describing the Fed’s actions and planned actions.

  • 1990’s Finland Arsenal (Asset Management Company) - I worked extensively with folks in the Finnish government who provided me with critical primary source documents.

  • 1990’s Finland Capital Injection (in progress)

  • 1990’s Sweden Capital Injection (in progress)

  • Emergency Assistance to GMAC

  • Restructuring of General Motors

  • Market Liquidity case series project manager


  • YPFS Systemic Risk Blog - scoured over 40 central banking and international regulators websites and collected relevant materials to be posted to the daily blog. Created the twitter account (@YPFSatYale) and took it from 0 to 1000 followers.

  • Interviewed Paul Volcker - I researched his life and put together an executive summary of his personal and professional life. I organized suggested questions from Rosalind Wiggins and Andrew Metrick and accompanied them to the interview. I then edited the transcript and wrote the Lessons Learned document.

  • Interviewed Ray Dalio - I read his two books and wrote all of the questions that were asked during the interview. I drafted the Lessons Learned document based on the transcript and worked with Dalio and his team to make sure it reflected his views accurately.

  • Successfully acquired over 125 documents from the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve via FOIA filings

  • Fact Checked a half dozen chapters of “First Responders: Inside the US Strategy for Fighting the 2007-2009 Global Financial Crisis”. Assisted project manager Deborah McClellan in providing general information about the editors Bernanke, Geithner, Paulson.

  • Gave a lecture with Christian McNamara to a Yale class on Fact Checking

  • Helped design the system the team uses for writing the cases and preparing them for fact checks. Also assisted in the design of the team’s tracking spreadsheet.

COVID-19 work

  • Designed intervention-tracker

  • 41 Blog posts between March and August 2020


The Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago

Statistical Reports Analyst - National Information Center:

  • FR-Y6 coordinator

  • FR-2420 coordinator (early morning, training, new team)

  • Coordinated with bank examiner on CIBC purchase of Private Bank

  • Two Front Page Data articles - deposit interest rates responsiveness to Fed Funds, branch closures in the midwest

  • Presented at two NIC system trainings

  • latino support volunteer group VP

  • Money Museum tour guide

Rotational Analyst:

  • Reserve Administration team

  • Payment System Risk team (day-to-day borrowing limits)

  • Monetary and Call Report team (FR-2900 deposit report)

Intern: NIC team


Brigham Young University - Idaho

Economics TA (Money and Banking, Financial Analytics)

Statistics TA (video tutorials, presented at conference)

Math Tutor (2 years tutor, 1 year supervisor)

Side Projects

The Bankster Podcast.jpg

The Reserve Podcast

A conversational and current-events podcast about the Federal Reserve, the US central bank - not some national forest out west somewhere. Reoccurring guest: Steven Kelly.

Featured guests: Sam Bell (Employ America), Michael Derby (WSJ), Gregg Gelzinis (American Progress), Joseph Wang (FedGuy)


The Bankster Podcast

Seasons 1 & 2: Each of the 52 episodes in the first two seasons were 15 to 25 minutes; the first half of an episode was a review of a term, person, institution, or event of current events and the second half was an instance where that was interesting in history

Season 3: the seven part series titled “Last Resort” tells the history of the most important function within Central Banks - their government sanctioned role as Lender of Last Resort.

Season 4: an unabridged reading of Walter Bagehot’s 1873, “Lombard Street”



BS Financial Economics

Brigham Young University - Idaho | GPA 3.89